Revolutionising Plant Propagation: Harnessing the Benefits of DynaBall Cloning Balls for Air-Layering
Plant propagation is an essential technique in the world of horticulture and gardening. Traditional methods such as seed sowing and vegetative propagation have long been employed to propagate plants. However, recent advancements in technology have introduced...
More prolific and even root growth
“Rooting is highly important for the growth and shelf life of the plant. Uneven, delayed, or a lack of rooting will have a negative effect on the nursery’s efficiency and may cost growers a significant amount of additional labor or even crop loss. So, prevention is...
PBR International Fine-Tunes Growth Regulating Prescriptions for Breeders and Growers
The Unique Selling Point of a leading manufacturer and supplier of horticultural plant rooting and growth stimulants. By: THURSD. | 18-08-2022 | 4 min read In less than two decades PBR International has managed to evolve into one of the leading manufacturers and...
PBR International & Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens Kick Some Cloning Butt!
First ever successful rooting of the South African critically endangered Brackenridgea Zanguebarica (‘Yellow Peeling Plain Tree’) during cloning trials at Kirstenbosch National Botanical GardensSuccessful trials in propagating Brackenridgea Zanguebarica aka...
If You Have A Dog At Home, Do Not Plant These In Your Garden
Chowing down on any plant material may cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting for your dog. But some plants, when ingested, can be life-threatening. Certain herbs, vegetables and edible plants that are perfectly fine for human consumption could cause everything...
Small Spaces, Biiiig Rewards
If you live in an apartment or have a small space available for gardening, here are 5 reasons why you need a garden box: Say goodbye to messy, dirty gardens with lots of weeding, pruning and overgrown plants. A Garden box is fun, creative and beautiful! Get the kids...
The Amazing Benefits Of Sweet Basil
With the colds and flu season well on its way and everyone’s immune system that seems to be taking a knock, it’s always a good idea to have some extra protection in your artillery. Sweet basil oil is known to have some amazing properties. Here are 5 reasons why you...
Sensory Gardens
What are they and how can you create your own sensory garden ? If you are a gardener, it is likely that you, like us, love to touch, smell and taste plants - It’s not weird! When we garden, we like to gaze at plants, run our hands over the leaves and petals, and bring...
Why community gardens are important
Community gardening not only produces food, but also gives purpose and transforms problems into possibilities, which in turn improves mental health and well-being, which is sorely needed amongst the disenfranchised.
So what does it take to start a sustainable food garden
Firstly, as the African proverb says, “it takes a village”, and in this case, community gardening is the best way to approach the project. It allows a group of people to plant a more diverse range of food in larger public spaces
Effects of covid 19 on planet sales and gardening
With Covid-19 hanging around for more than a year now, and no plans of it going away anytime soon, people are forced to find more creative ways to pass the time at home, thus showing an incredible increase in the sales of plants and bulbs. People are paying more...
Benefits of community gardening.
The vacant lot that they would ultimately turn into a vibrant community garden was overgrown with grass — grass that was taller than they were. They had to use machetes to cut it down, then let the grass fertilize the ground, and thereafter began an extensive cleanup...
Tips on getting the best beans from your bunch
Beans are a staple crop in home gardens around the world. They are robust, easy to start, and a delicious garden vegetable that can be canned and preserved for later enjoyment. But have you ever wondered if there was anything that you could do to maximize your bean...
Odour absorbing plants to eliminate strong smells inside.
We put them in our cars, offices, and homes and everywhere that odours may linger. We mist, spray, plug in, and sprinkle toxic “smell good” chemicals without knowing the health risks. Products that we think are making our air fresher are actually making it toxic....
Plants for your garden to elevate your mood!
There is no surprise that gardens are closely related to elevating one’s mood. Certain plants have even been found to scientifically improve moods. Working in your garden, or even just sitting in your garden enjoying a cup of tea in the morning or after a long day at...