Juicy tomatoes are a staple in most gardens. But as a member of the nightshade family, tomato vines and leaves can be toxic for dogs.
Onions and Shallots (Allium cepa) (var. aggregatum)
Onions are another staple in many gardens; however, when it comes to your dog, caution is needed, as these pose a toxic problem for pets.
This soothing herb may smell lovely and make a great cup of tea, but it is also toxic for dogs.
Marijuana (Cannabis genus)
With the legalization of marijuana (medicinally & recreationally) in SA, some have chosen to grow it. But make sure your dog does not ingest the marijuana plant or even dried cannabis, as it could potentially lead to death.
The plants listed here are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more plants, shrubs, and trees that can pose a threat to your pooch.
Survey your garden, take notes, and do a little research. Signs usually appear after around 3 hours so if you suspect your dog has eaten a poisonous plant, call your DOG-ter (veterinarian) immediately!